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Campaign Milestone
Campaign Milestone
Campaign Milestone
Press Quote
Character Quote
Press Quote
Sample Posts
Copy and paste the text below.
I’m hosting an on demand theater screening of a powerful new film called #Wildland on [insert date of your screening] which follows a single #wildland firefighting crew as they struggle with fear, loyalty and demons. Reserve your tickets today! [insert your Gathr screening link here]
I’m hosting a screening of the powerful new documentary #Wildland. Help make my screening happen by reserving your tickets now before my deadline. I only need to pre-sell [insert number of tickets left to sell at time of post] more! [insert your Gathr screening link here]
I’m holding a screening of an incredible movie #Wildland about a firefighting crew as they battle dangerous wildfires as a fundraiser for [insert name of organization]. The film will only be shown if we pre-sell enough tickets so please reserve your tickets now. Details found at: [insert your Gathr screening link here]
Screening Captain Toolkit
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